Dr. Aubrey A. Johnson, Superintendent of Schools
  • Superintendent of Schools  
    Aubrey A. Johnson, Ed.D.

About the Superintendent

  • Aubrey A. Johnson, Ed.D.Dr. Aubrey Johnson is the Superintendent of New Brunswick Public Schools in New Jersey. He is a graduate of Northeastern University and earned his masters’ degree from New Jersey City University. He joined the Paterson Public Schools in 1995 where he served for over 19 years, including roles as a third-grade teacher, computer teacher, technology coordinator, vice-principal, principal, director of assessment, planning & evaluation, and assistant superintendent. This is where his leadership skills developed and he learned how to build community relationships, lead through adversity, and learned the concepts of strategic planning. Dr. Johnson was part of the effort to bring continuous positive change and academic success to Paterson Public Schools, including raising the graduation rate, implementing school choice, and working to ensure that Paterson Public Schools became a leader in urban education. He continued his work as a scholar-practitioner and earned his doctorate degree from Seton Hall University in 2017. Dr. Johnson was appointed Superintendent of New Brunswick Public Schools in 2015.

Contact Information

  • New Brunswick Public Schools 
    268 Baldwin Street 
    New Brunswick, NJ 08901 
    Office: (732) 745-5300
    Fax: (732) 745-5459 

    Aubrey A. Johnson, Ed.D. 
    Superintendent of Schools 

    Martha Krichilski 
    Executive Secretary to the Superintendent 
    (732) 745-5300, ext. 5413 

    Jisette Duran
    Digital Branding & Communications Specialist
    (732) 745-5300, ext. 5418 

Office of the Superintendent | New Brunswick Public Schools

Messages from the Superintendent

  • December 4 -- NBPS Winter/Holiday Precautions

    December 4 -- NBPS Winter/Holiday Precautions

    As the holiday season approaches, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for our wonderful school community. This is a time to celebrate, reflect, and create cherished memories. Amid the excitement, let’s also keep safety at the forefront so everyone can enjoy this special time to its fullest. Below are a few important reminders:
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  • September 27  -- Assessments Calendar

    September 27 -- Assessments Calendar

    Throughout the school year, students will participate in school and state level assessments that are designed to measure their level of proficiency in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and other subjects. Additionally, these assessments will measure how well students have learned the skills and grade level content outlined in the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. The assessments help students, teachers, and administrators identify instructional areas of strengths and areas for improvement.

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  • September 9 - School Dress Code

    September 9 - School Dress Code

    As we continue to monitor cell phone usage and maintain the values of respect, discipline, and a focused learning environment, I want to highlight the importance of students adhering to our school uniform dress code, as outlined in Board Policy 5518. We ask that you ensure your child is wearing the approved uniform each day, which includes:

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  • September 7, 2024 - Cell Phone/Social Media Usage

    September 7, 2024 - Cell Phone/Social Media Usage

    I would like to take this opportunity to discuss the impact of cell phone and social media usage on our students and the broader school community. As educators, we are committed to teaching students how to use social media responsibly, recognize its effects on their well-being, and develop the critical thinking skills necessary to make positive, informed decisions when engaging with digital content. However, we cannot achieve this goal alone. We ask for your partnership in helping our children cultivate healthy social media and cell phone habits, while also adhering to school rules. Click the icon to read the full message.

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Last Modified on December 3, 2024